RCI Points

How it works

Step One

You purchase a membership at Florida Vacation Villas Club

Step Two

You enroll into the RCI Points Exchange Program

Step Three

Florida Vacation Villas Club deposits inventory into RCI

Step Four

Receive allocation of points when requirements are met*

You have the opportunity to travel to resorts around the world using your RCI Membership. Other terms and conditions apply.

RCI Points


Members can reserve RCI points for less or more than 7-night stays

Members can save, borrow and transfer RCI points from year to year. All FVVC and RCI fees must be paid in full to do any of these transactions.

Members have access to over 4,399 resorts worldwide.

Partner options - Hotel, car rental, airfare & entertainment. Offers additional opportunities for RCI Members.

Points for Deposit - If a Member owns at an RCI Weeks Resort they may receive additional RCI Points for depositing their additional RCI Weeks intervals into their RCI Points account.*

RCI Members may also obtain last minute discounts on vacations at select RCI Weeks resorts.

*May not apply to all RCI Members or Weeks Resorts. (Note: refer to section 13 of the 2016-2017 Disclosure Guide)

RCI Points - Resort Inventory Values Within the Points Program

Every Week Has Different Values

RCI assigns RCI Points values to inventory at resorts affiliated in the RCI Points Program. Each week may be different based on factors such as location, season, unit configuration and more.

When purchasing from an RCI Points affiliated resort or club, the RCI Points may be used and combined with other RCI Points ownerships to add even more flexibilty for vacationing.

How an RCI Points Member uses their RCI Points from year to year is up to them. One year may be for one single trip, the next may be multiple vacations booked through RCI.

RCI Points

As Flexible As You Need Them to Be

If you used some but not all of your Points in the Use Year in which they were allocated, they will automatically be SAVED for use in the next Use Year. To use Points, membership must be current.

If you need more Points, you can BORROW some from your next Use Year, provided that you have paid the RCI membership fee for your next Use Year.

If you don't use saved Points in that second Use Year, you can pay a fee to EXTEND them for a third Use Year. To use Points, membership must be current.

*There are limitations on the number of RCI Points you can borrow.

Member Education Site

Obtaining More Information

RCI - Points to Remember